FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
PuTTY General FAQs
- Open the configuration menu and scroll down the Tunnels.
- Enter the port under Source port and destination under the destination.
- The type of forwarding can be determined by the two pairs of the three radio buttons.
PuTTY Technical FAQs
Step 1: Generate the key $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -v
Type my-certificate
, when asked to enter a file in which to save the key.- To enter the passphrase, press Enter and confirm by entering.
Step 2: Two files are generated i.e., my certificate and my-certificate.pub
Note: Rename the my-certificate file to my-certificate.pem
Step 3: Use the following command to upload the public certificate to the server:
ssh-copy-id -i ~/my-certificate.pub username@ip
Step 4: Make.pem file on your computer to read-only sudo chmod 400 my-certificate.pem
Step 5: Login by $ sudo ssh -i /path/to/my-certificate.pem user@ip
- download the Intermediate (DigiCertCA.crt)
- Primary Certificates (your_domain_name.crt).
- your_domain_name.key → The Private Key
- your_domain_name.crt → The Primary Certificate
- DigiCertCA.crt → The Intermediate Certificate –
- TrustedRoot.crt → The Root Certificate –
ssh-keygen -f private.pem -y > public.pub
Above command gets public key from .pem file.
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- [encoded data] -----END CERTIFICATE----
- Get a copy of SSL from User Portal
- Click → Next
- Select Place all certificates in the following store → Click Browse
- Select Personal folder → Click OK
- Click → Next
- Click → Finish
- Click → OK
- Open Microsoft Internet Explorer browser
- Click on Tools → Internet Options → Content → Certificates
- Select the SSL certificate → Under the Personal tab
- Click → Export
- Click → Next
- Select Yes, export the private key → Click Next
- Select Include all certificates in the certificates path if possible → Click Next
- Enter a password → Click Next
- Specify the name & location of the SSL certificate file to be exported → Click Next
- Click → Finish
- Click → OK
Step 3: Install SSL Certificate on the server.
Note: Depending on which certificate format is required to successfully install the exported .pfx (PKCS#12) certificate file on the server software.
Installing the root certificate on a Linux PC by the following command:
sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/extra
sudo cp root.cert.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/extra/root.cert.crt
sudo update-ca-certificates
Step 1: Start menu → All Programs → PuTTY → PuTTYgen
Step 2: Type of key to generate → Choose RSA.
Step 3:Choose Load
Step 4: Select the .pem file for key pair and choose Open. PuTTYGen display .pem file loaded successfully. Choose OK
Step 5: Save the private key → to save the key in the format that can be used by PuTTY.
Note: PuTTYgen display message waning message of saving the key without passphrase → Choose Yes
Step 6: Specify the name of the key that is used for the key pair and choose → Save.
Note: PuTTY itself adds the .ppk file extension.
The private key is in the correct format to be used by Putty. Now you can connect the instance PuTTY’s SSH client.