FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

PuTTY General FAQs

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The PuTTY doesn’t have meaning in itself. It is used to refer to the UNIX terminal for “tty”. It acts as a client for SSH, Telnet, rlogin, and raw TCP computing protocols.
Simon Tatham has written and maintained it, and PuTTY v0.76 is the latest version. It is a free implementation of SSH and telnet for Windows and UNIX platforms, along with the xterm terminal emulator.
Yes, but you need to follow the steps to connect to FTP. Perform a Raw connection to Port 21 to configure your profile; send the command USER and PASS once it gets connected. FTP server names and passwords are required. It is suggested to use FTP Client instead.
Yes, PuTTY Linux is a graphical terminal program used to connect the raw socket, typically debugging. The protocols like SSH, Telnet, and rlogin terminal are supported to connect the serial ports.
Network protocols like SCP, SSH, rlogin, and raw socket connection are supported by it. SSH PuTTY is an open-source terminal emulator, network file transfer application, and serial console.
Yes, but it is turned off by default and allows the user to select a printer you have installed driver for your computer. The remote server takes over the control on the terminal support printing.
PuTTY can be ported to UNIX as pterm. As we know, PuTTY is a terminal emulator (able to run shells, which in turn run commands). SCP is a particular program that is used to copy a few lines via SSH connections. For SSH application is a shell (not a terminal emulator).
Simple protocol SCP is used for file transfer via SSH connections and uses the SFTP protocol to transfer files, list of directories, etc. PuTTY is a GUI terminal emulator for Windows, and OpenSSH has built-in SSH clients for remote terminal sessions.
Follow the steps:
  1. Open the configuration menu and scroll down the Tunnels.
  2. Enter the port under Source port and destination under the destination.
  3. The type of forwarding can be determined by the two pairs of the three radio buttons.
 Note: “Dynamic “and “Auto” work in maximum cases. Different selections have to be made on a specific topic or when forwarding to multiple ports.
PuTTYgen is used to generate the SSH key pairs and used for encryption, authentications, etc., whereas Putty uses the SSH keys.

PuTTY Technical FAQs

Step 1: Generate the key $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -v

  • Type my-certificate, when asked to enter a file in which to save the key.
  • To enter the passphrase, press Enter and confirm by entering.

Step 2: Two files are generated i.e., my certificate and my-certificate.pub

Note: Rename the my-certificate file to my-certificate.pem

Step 3: Use the following command to upload the public certificate to the server:

ssh-copy-id -i ~/my-certificate.pub username@ip

Step 4: Make.pem file on your computer to read-only sudo chmod 400 my-certificate.pem

Step 5: Login by $ sudo ssh -i /path/to/my-certificate.pem user@ip

Step 1: Log in to DigiCert Management Console ,
  • download the Intermediate (DigiCertCA.crt) 
  • Primary Certificates (your_domain_name.crt).
Step 2: Open a text editor (such as Wordpad) and paste the whole body for each certificate in the following order:
  • your_domain_name.key → The Private Key 
  • your_domain_name.crt → The Primary Certificate 
  • DigiCertCA.crt → The Intermediate Certificate – 
  • TrustedRoot.crt → The Root Certificate – 
Note: It is mandatory to include the beginning and end tags on each certificate.

ssh-keygen -f private.pem -y > public.pub

Above command gets public key from .pem file.

Step 1: The text file looks likes this: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- [encoded data] -----END CERTIFICATE----
    • Get a copy of SSL from User Portal
    • Click → Next
    • Select Place all certificates in the following store → Click Browse
    • Select Personal folder → Click OK
    • Click → Next
    • Click → Finish
    • Click → OK
 Step 2: Export SSL Certificate (with Private Key) using Internet Explorer
    • Open Microsoft Internet Explorer browser
    • Click on Tools → Internet Options → Content → Certificates
    • Select the SSL certificate → Under the Personal tab
    • Click → Export
    • Click → Next
    • Select Yes, export the private key → Click Next
    • Select Include all certificates in the certificates path if possible → Click Next
    • Enter a password → Click Next
    • Specify the name & location of the SSL certificate file  to be exported → Click Next
    • Click → Finish
    • Click → OK

Step 3:  Install SSL Certificate on the server.

Note: Depending on which certificate format is required to successfully install the exported .pfx (PKCS#12) certificate file on the server software.

Installing the root certificate on a Linux PC by the following command:

sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/extra

sudo cp root.cert.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/extra/root.cert.crt

sudo update-ca-certificates

Step 1: Start menu → All  Programs → PuTTY → PuTTYgen

Step 2: Type of key to generate → Choose RSA.

Step 3:Choose Load

Step 4: Select the .pem file for key pair and choose Open. PuTTYGen display .pem file loaded successfully. Choose OK

Step 5: Save the private key → to save the key in the format that can be used by PuTTY.

Note: PuTTYgen display message waning message of saving the key without passphrase → Choose Yes

Step 6: Specify the name of the key that is used for the key pair and choose → Save.

Note: PuTTY itself adds the .ppk file extension.

The private key is in the correct format to be used by Putty. Now you can connect the instance PuTTY’s SSH client.