Basic PuTTY Commands (SSH Commands)

Basic (PuTTY) SSH commands help you navigate and work efficiently with the files in the Linux terminal. You can download PuTTY to connect with the Linux server. We’d handpicked a list of basic PuTTY commands, their options, and their usage in this guide.

pwdCheck the present location.
lsThis command used to display all the content in a folder or directory.
cdIt stands for change directory.
Type "cd /location"
It helps you to navigate.
cd .Helps you to stay at the same directory.
cd ..Command will shift one directory back.
cd -Commands take you back to the previous location.
For example, If you were at "/home" but you moved to "/dir".
Typing the "cd -" command will take you back to "/home".
mkdirIt helps you to make the new directory.
mkdir directoryNamecpThe command used to copy a file in Linux.
Syntax: cp filename.extension /dir/filename.extension.
The above command copies the file extension and keeps at the location/dir with the same name file.
cp -r *space[TargetLocation]Copy all the folder content.
cp -f space[Filename] space[Targetlocation]If a file with the same name happens in the destination, then it will force the copy process by deleting the destination file.
cp -i space[filename]space[Targetlocation]Display the warning message before proceeding with the copy process.
cp -u space[filename]space[Targetlocation]If file have different content .It will update the file in the destination folder.
cp -n space[Filename]space[Targetlocation]Will first check whether the file exists. If it happens. It don't overwrite the file again.
cp -a space[Filename]space[Targetlocation]Archive the file.
mv space[filename]space[destinationlocation]This command moves the file from one place to another.
(Syntax: mv filename.extension /dir/filename.extension)
"mv filename.extension /dir/filename1.extension” is used to move and rename a file.
mv filename ..Used to move file one folder back.
touch space[Filename]This command creates a new file with any extension you want like text, HTML, PHP, etc. in your current directory.
Syntax: touch filename.
the extension helps to create a file extension without any extension.
rm -f space[filename]Remove command will delete a file from a server.
Its Syntax: rm filename.extension.
rm * [foldername]Delete all the files or content in a directory.
rmdirRemove the complete directory or folder.
rm -r [foldername]Delete the folder as well as the folders inside it.
cat space[filename]To display content of a file on the screen. It also copy standard input to standard output.
Syntax: cat filename.extension.
cat command also allows scrolling if the displayed text doesn't fit the screen completely.
cat > filename.extensioncat command also used to create a new file.
Syntax: cat > filename.extension
It is also used to concatenate two files.
Syntax: catfile1.txtfile2.txt>mergedfile.txt
">" is the output redirection character
headAllow you to read the first ten lines of the content available inside the folder.
Syntax:head filename.extension
You can also update the number of lines you would like to display on the screen.
Syntax: head -n15 /temp/filename
Above Syntax will display the first fifteen lines of the content from the given file.
tailGives the last ten lines of content from the file.
Syntax: tail filename.extension
The tail command can provide multiple file names. It shows the last ten lines from each of the mentioned files.
Syntax: tail /dir/file1 /dir/file2
The tail command allows you to change the number of lines you want to be displayed, other than the default number.
Syntax: tail -n15 /temp/filename
Display the last fifteen lines of content from the given file.
zip -r [foldername].zip [foldername]Compress the file size.
The zip Syntax: zip -r folder name
zip -d [filename].zip [filename]Delete the file from the zip archive by the following command
"zip -d filename"
zip -u [filename].zip [filename]The following command can update the specified list of files.
"zip -u filename"
zip -m [filename].zip [filename]To delete the original file after creating its zip archive.
By the following command,
"zip -m filename"
unzip [filename].zipThis command is used to decompress a file.
Syntax: unzip
Multiple numbers of data are undone by using power.
Syntax: unzip -x
Syntax: unzip -x
tarto compress and decompress folders, the tar command is used.
The command for compressing"folder".
tar -czvf folder1.tar.gz
The command for decompressing.
tar -xvf folder1.tar.gz
chmodIt allows you to change permissions of a file or directory. It stands for change mode.
Syntax: chmod 754 filenames.
Permissions can be represented either by numbers from 0 to 7 or with alphanumeric characters.
4 represents reading permission
2 represents writing permission
1 represents executing permission
0 represents no permission
5 is a combination of 4, 0, and 1. It suggests the read, no write, and execute an agreement.
4 are a combination of 4, 0, and 0. It indicates read, no write and no execute permission.
"chmod -r" allows you to change the permission of a folder and all the files inside it.
grepThis command enables you to search for a particular string inside a file or folder. If it finds the perfect match, it will return the whole line containing the phrase.
grep -i "string" [filename]The command "grep -i "string" filename."Allow you to search for a string case-insensitively in the file.
grep -c "string" [filename]The command "grep -c "string" filename." Allow you to count the number of appearances of a string in the given file.
grep -l "string" [filename]The command "grep -l "string" *".-> display the filename that contains a particular pattern or string.
grep -n "string" [filename]The command "grep -n "string" filename".-> display the line number along with the result.
findIt searches for a file inside a folder.
The Syntax: find. -name filename.extension.
By this Syntax, you can find files by permissions, users, groups, file type, size, etc.
The command "find /directory -name filename.extension"
find a file in some directory.
The power "find. type f -name filename.php".
You can look for any type of data, say a PHP file by using this command.
viIt allows you to enter a text editor.
Syntax: vi filename
The Syntax will open the data on the screen, and if the file doesn't exist, it will create a new one with the same name.
The escape key → allows you to cancel any command which has started in the vi editor mode.
To exit the vi editor, type ":q."
If in case you haven't done any changes to the file.
Type ":q!" to exit
If you want to undo the changes in a file.

Basic SSH (PuTTY) commands are beneficial for a user to manage the basic functionalities. These commands help handle the files and folders on a Linux web server.